Recommended by a Psychologist
Creative cardboard toys are good for children learning and development. In the big house, children can play different role-plays, pretending to be different real and fantasy characters. By playing together, children learn to create dialogues, which is an essential aspect in the development of their language and communication skills. When talking, children learn different expressions from each other in a free form, which are useful in real situations, for example, how to invite to your home. By playing together, children learn problem-solving skills. They have to agree on how to decorate the house, what they will do together, what roles games. Even in case of disagreement, children learn to agree and resolve the dispute.
The cardboard house can be not only painted, but also pasted with applications, fabrics and supplemented with other details, cutting them out of packaging boxes. It promotes children's creativity, imagination and visual-spatial thinking. Children of the cardboard house can freely mark and color with different colors: pencils, crayons, watercolors, gouache. Drawing and painting develop thinking by planning the position of objects on a plane, drawing certain characters (cats, flowers, ornaments, etc.).
The greatest benefit of a child is positive emotions: joy, satisfaction and self-confidence.
A cardboard house is a great place where a child can be alone with himself. Sometimes, when a child experiences strong emotions (also positive) or is excited and tired from many different activities, he needs space and time to calm down, regain balance and peace. In the small house, he can take his favorite toy, pillow or blanket and relax.
Cardboard constructors are exciting not only for children, but also for adults. In order to assemble the object, the parent together with the child decides which part will be inserted in sequence, which step each of them will take.
Coloring objects together will create both positive emotions and satisfaction. Acting in this way, the child spends a full and meaningful special time together with the parent. Working together with mom and dad, time flies quickly, leaving bright memories and joy.
Ready-made toys can be used as room decorations, toys in role-playing games, and props in a theater performance. The remaining cardboard parts from the blank can be used by the child to create collages and jewelry. They can be used to make houses for small toys. By playing with these toys, the child can experience how powerful and successful he is. A toy made by your own hands will give you satisfaction and give you confidence - "I can handle it".
Have a lively and happy playing!